Reminder of blog move!



Just another sweet little reminder as I know not everyone reads their posts each week and mine might get lost.

I shall be posting this for the next few weeks.

For those who do not know, I have moved URL for It’s a lonely place simply for ease of my blogging life.  No more ‘new’ posts will be placed here other than these notices.

I would love my current followers to move with me to my new site, if you wish to follow then click the Its a lonely place button below, which will take you to the new site.

Also you might want to follow my other blog, Eclectic odds n sods, which comprises more of my humorous self, photography, poetry, humour, quotes and such like, you will find the button for this also below 🙂

Retro eclectic odds n sods-002Retro image Its a lonely place (2)

Justine xxx